The Concept of Time Reduction in Functioning Operations; Time Matters at Everything You Do

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Time Reduction Concept
This is a bit controversial thought came out of mind when i was conducting a training for my crew on work up program. As usual, I was going through the training manuals, syllabuses and schedules training activities during the work up program but what i was observing at the end was quiet something else. Even though my crew was well trained and practice harder on their operational tasks and duties, still i could observed that they are lacking behind something.   That was nothing but the 'Time'

Every functioning operation in this universe has three component called Input, Process and that is how it describes in relation to business or production. But, how you can explain your day to day activities or any work you are doing with these terms. As an example, assume that you are mobbing your floor. How you can explain this activity with above three elements? Don't think much. Your inputs are the your Mob, water, peace of cloths or sweeper and the you. Then your Process is mobbing of your floor with utilizing your resources and the output is the cleaned and tidily mobbed floor.  See the picture below.
When you look at the picture, you can clearly see what those three elements of your work are. But, if you look in to more deeper, you can figure out that 'Input' is an independent variable and the 'Output' is an dependent variable of 'Process'.  If you have a fixed input and an expected output of it, this will be the formula. So, if you want to increase the efficiency and the effectiveness of your output on this job, the only thing you can change here is the 'process'. 

The Process.

As you just understand, the process is the most important element in a function when changing its effective and efficient output with a given set of resources. If you further dismantle the 'process' element, there you will find a set of activities which are interlinked with each other. 
1. Take the bucket 
2. Take the water
3. Fill the bucket with water
4. Take the cleaning chemicals
5. Add cleaning chemicals to water bucket and make your cleaning solution
6. Take the mob
7. Wet the mob with cleaning solution 
8. Mob the floor with wet mob
9. Take the sweeper
10. Sweep the floor with sweeper

All above 10 minor processes can be illustrated as follows.
So, now you tale each minor processes here. You can see that some processes are Independent and Some Processes are depended and some are having parallel relations and some are series relations. At Process, you will find a time factor with has circled with a purple round. Now, i will describe the effect of these time factors along with an qualities of an output, that is Efficiency. If you can find a way to reduce the time taking for each processes, your work efficiency will increase but, you can do it? It's simple. Examine the each minor processes and you will see that there are many ways with which you can reduce the time for each processes.  Here are the universal solution for the problem. 
  1. First, reduce the time to reach your resources/ instrument or things.
    • Keep your things closer to you.
    • Arrange your stuff in a sequenced way that you use them. The first thing you need should keep at the front line of your stuffs.   
    • Know where are your things. Make a standard layout of your stuff arrangement. Then you know from where to take them and keep them back once you used them.
  2. Practice to locate your stuff quicker and for that, you need to train with the layout you prepared.
  3. Reduce the time on work. To use your resources faster and do your work faster, practice to use them and then again you need to train to work with your resources. More you train, more you will faster.  
Ultimately, what you fan figure out here is 'Standardization' of  your working environment and 'Training' on your work will reduce the time taken on your job and that will increase the efficiency of your job. Apply this simple theory on your day to day works, office works or your team tasks. Use this method to train your people according to achieve their maximum efficiency on the work by reducing processing time.

But, this is just a preamble for the topic I was discussing. With my next blog, your doubts will more clarify. Keep thinking and think differently. Hope to see you soon with 'The Shoelace Method'.

Click here to view "The Shoelace Method; A Magic Came Out From The Shoelace Knot"
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